So as you may have guessed, I am Angela Renea, and this page is just a little bit more about me as a person. When I was younger, I was extremely shy, and I had a public speaking teacher in high school that told me you should never introduce yourself as 'my name is...' but always as 'I am...' I've always found that a little bit awkward because my name is not who I am. It is what I am called. So this page is my 'I am'
I live in Pennsylvania, United States, and I went to Catholic school for most of my life. When I graduated high school I went to Duquesne University to study Nursing and graduated with BSN. I went on to take my NCLEX exams and failed them the first time, but I passed the second time around. I worked as an RN in a long term care facility. (Yes, that does mean a nursing home!) I absolutely loved it there, but it was time for a change and now I work at my local hospital as a floor RN. I am married to my best friend in the entire world, Brad. We have been together for 9 years now and have been married for 1 year this June. He is not a big reader, but with some not so gentle nudging, and the right topics, he is coming around! I spend most of my time working, reading, or hanging out with Brad as we try to figure out how to adult!
I love such a wide variety of things, and I have this good and bad habit of throwing myself 100% into one thing to the exclusion of everything else, for a while. Here are some of the things that I love:
I love reading. This is probably the one thing in my life that stays constant. Even when I taper off a bit, books and reading are always important to me. I love reading books, collecting books, listening to books, sharing books, and organizing books!
In case you have not found it somewhere else on this blog here is my
I love learning. Right now I am very enthusiastically pursuing learning to speak, and read Spanish. My grandmother is 100% Mexican and some of her siblings passed Spanish down to their families, but I did not grow up speaking Spanish in my home. But let's be honest here, I want to read the Harry Potter books in Spanish. I am self teaching using the internet site/phone app DuoLingo and if you are interested in being friends you can follow me
I love genealogy. It's been a few weeks since I've done anything with my family tree which I have hosted on My mother's family has been in America since before it was America and there is a whole wide variety of sources and family trees out there to research. I was excited to found out this wonderful fact because I did not know many of her family members and was worried about if I would be able to find much out without help. Ironically, my dad's side who I am very close with many extended relatives, are more recent immigrants to USA and are a lot more difficult to make any progress on!
I am a nurse. I work as a registered nurse in a nursing home. I've only ever worked in long term care and I think that that is where my heart will always be. I particularly love how well I know my residents. They each have their own stories and particulars and it's wonderful when a resident with dementia, and who can not even remember their age, obviously remembers you to at least some degree. I feel very strongly about caring for our elderly and consider it a great honor to be entrusted with their care. I actually became a nurse on a whim, but if I think back it was books, and some wonderful home health nurses that cared for my grandmother that led me to this career. (
Telling Christina Goodbye, and
Zink are the two books that drew me towards nursing in case you were curious)
I am learning to craft with polymer clay! I think I had an early-mid-life crisis and was very worried about the fact that I have no marketable skills. I see everyone around me creating things (my husband is very handy with wood, his brother is quite good at drawing, his brother's girlfriend can paint like nobody's business!) and here I am just, nothing. Then I found a youtube channel of this girl creating beautiful miniature creations out of clay! So I headed over to Micheal's and to the right is my very first creation! Yah!
(More to come!)
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